Physical And Mental Health

The Canadian Foundation for Classical Cultural Education (CFCCE) has successfully organized multiple physical and mental health lecture series since September 2020 with the support of the Ontario and federal government. We have given nearly a hundred lectures and attracted the enthusiastic participation of thousands of people, including almost 2,000 seniors over the age of 55. Participate and learn about physical and mental health in the “Happiness Classroom”, learn new skills, make new friends, and build a spiritual home together!

Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Care

Health preservation in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) refers to following the laws of life, paying attention to diet, following natural principles, and balancing yin and yang. So what do ordinary people do at home?



We hope that through a series of TCM health care lectures, we can popularize TCM health care knowledge to the public, improve everyone’s awareness and understanding of their own bodies, shift from focusing on diseases to focusing on how to make themselves healthy, and slowly learn from ” treating existing diseases ” The wisdom of Chinese medicine to “ treat disease before it’s too late ” !

Healthy Diet

Promote organic nutritious food, spread healthy diet culture, use dietary therapy to improve physical fitness, and advocate a balanced and pleasant life.

Fitness Exercises

The health-preserving Daoyin technique that was widely circulated in ancient China has achieved good fitness results by practicing it every day. It can increase the oxygen content in the blood, promote the smooth flow of qi throughout the body, strengthen the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract and the metabolism of substances throughout the body, and dredge the meridians.

Spiritual Enhancement

When we step out more and more from our own circle, care for others and the environment, shift from being for ourselves to being for everyone, and changing from always observing our mistakes to always observing our merits, we will change from anxiety, fear, and helplessness If you are freed from negative emotions, your happiness index will slowly rise and you will become a powerful person.

Assisted Living

In order to help the elderly learn new knowledge and better adapt to society, we organized various art sports activities such as computer knowledge learning, explanations of laws and taxation policies, origami, paper-cutting, calligraphy, painting, and table tennis to help the elderly integrate into the community, eliminate loneliness, and improve their lives. Quality, happy life.

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