Children's Chinese Studies Education

Chinese Studies Class

In the past few years, a group of parents who are enthusiastic about public welfare and education have formed a mutual aid team. They not only take their children to read and recite classics, but also promote classic recitation and Chinese teaching in the Toronto area. They have successively established Jiqian Academy, Beichen Chinese , and opened weekend Bible reading classes. More and more families are joining the path of classical education, getting in touch with and understanding the Four Books and Five Classics, and traditional virtues of our Chinese nation.


By reciting and studying classics, we can restore our admiration and following of ancient sages and sages in our hearts, so that children can establish a correct world view, outlook on life and values ​​under the influence of Confucian culture and scholarly family background. On the one hand, I also learned Chinese, got to know Chinese characters, and improved my ability to use Chinese. It can be said that I killed two birds with one stone. At the same time, we did not forget to let the children learn some famous English classics, understand some excellent contents of Western civilization, and understand that there are many views in the advanced Western civilization that are actually the same as the civilization of our ancestors. “Similarly”, the gentlemanly virtues we hope our children will possess also exactly echo the gentlemanly style that the West calls for.

Public welfare class

Chinese history and culture class tells history, shows civilization, appreciates culture, inherits wisdom, every Wednesday night 8:00 – 8:45

Summer and winter camps

Jiqian Academy was officially established in May 2015 and is currently affiliated with the Canadian Classics Culture Education Foundation, a non-profit public welfare organization. Jiqian Academy is the largest private school in North America that uses traditional reading methods. Its excellent teaching results have promoted the reading of scriptures among overseas Chinese children in North America. In addition to Jiqian Academy currently offering weekend Bible reading classes in spring and autumn, it also holds intensive reading operations during holidays (winter camp and summer camp). Each summer camp has unique reading content and central themes, and also includes various interest classes, life education classes, and outings. Bible reading education is an excellent solution for overseas Chinese education. Through the traditional learning method of reading scriptures, children can learn Chinese with twice the result with half the effort during the golden age of memory, directly feel and absorb the essence of Chinese culture. At the same time, they can also learn famous works of Western classics and understand some aspects of Western civilization. Excellent content stores inexhaustible spiritual treasures in life and lays the foundation for a lifetime of elegant personality.