Classic Education Concept Class

Classics are cultures that record the high level of human wisdom, and the spiritual connotations contained in them shine with the brilliance of human nature. Education must give children the most essential spiritual and cultural nourishment. Eastern and Western cultural classics are the highest wisdom of mankind and are undoubtedly the best.

Classical education is a common educational tradition between the East and the West for more than two thousand years. The study of classics not only provides children with the best temperament and spiritual education, helping them to establish a path for life, but also lays the foundation for cultivating talents who integrate ancient and modern times and are able to understand both China and the West in the future.

It is also very important for adults to study classics, practice what the saints said, and enrich and improve themselves. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, let us calm down, read and study classics, and practice the teachings of saints, so that our hearts will be bright, our hearts will have something to rely on, and our lives will be stable.

Every Wednesday afternoon: 12:40-13:10 reading classics together; 13:10-14:30 studying classics together, discussing and sharing.

Purpose of the Classic Educational Philosophy Study Class

The benevolent do not worry, the wise do not be confused, and the brave do not fear. Reading classics means talking to sages and learning from wise men, which will bring us infinite happiness, wisdom and courage. When children recite classics, they effectively absorb and store the nutrients of life during the best period of memory. The road to growth is winding and long, and these nutrients will continue to nourish the child’s soul, inspire wisdom, and provide energy. Under the guidance of classics, children will stand taller, go further, and live happier and more understanding! As parents, we ourselves must also like classics, get close to classics, and learn classics so that we can pass them on to our children. For the sake of ourselves and our children, let us learn the concept of Bible reading together and understand the specific methods of Bible interpretation education!


Confucius had a rough life, but he commented that he “was so angry that he forgot to eat, and he was so happy that he forgot his worries, not knowing that he was approaching old age.” His happiness came from the good virtue and wisdom in his heart, not anything else. I hope that through learning we can get closer to such a state of happiness! Everyone is welcome to read, learn, think and improve together!

Reading content:

“The Analects of Confucius”, “The Great Learning”, “The Doctrine of the Mean”, “Laozi”, “Mencius”, “The Book of Songs”, etc.

Learning Content:

“A Speech Shocked for a Century”, “The Origin of Differences between Chinese and Western Cultures”, “A Thousand Questions and Answers on Bible Reading Education”, “Pan Zhengyao’s Lecture at Jiqian Academy”, “Professor Wang Defeng Talks About Family Education”, “Teacher Bao Pengshan” : Good Education”, “Full Plan for Bible Reading Education”, “Dr. Yang Dingyi Talks about the Benefits of Reading the Bible”, “Professor Fu Peirong: Clearing the Fog of Chinese Studies” Series, “Three Thousand Years of Chinese Confucianism”, “Han Pengjie: What Does the Tao Te Ching Say “, “The Transcendence of Bible Reading Education”, “Wang Meng Talks about Mencius”, the documentary “China”, “Mr. Nan Huaijin’s Interpretation of University”, “Professor Yang Lihua’s Lecture: Confucius and Laozi”, “Professor Wang Defeng’s Lecture on Reading the Tao Te Ching”, and all teachers Sharing experiences with parents about reading scriptures and learning Chinese studies, etc.

Currently we are studying the series “Fan Deng Lectures on Mencius”.